Relevant Email Content – Critical to Effective Airport Marketing

Air Deals – Relevant Email Content that Attracts and Engages Readers of Airport Communications

If you don’t present relevant email content, you are wasting your time producing your Airport email campaigns.

This is like a tree falling in an empty woods. If no one is reading your emails your messages will not get through. You don’t want to put  the effort to communicate information that won’t engage your audience.

Airfare Deals - Relevant Email Content

Airfare Deals – Relevant Email Content

So…what are some examples of Relevant Email Content?

First, relevant email content engages the reader. It’s content that helps them solve a problem but also leads them to having a better airport experience. Furthermore, relevant content  benefits your users on a very personal basis.

Therefore, I consider the following are relevant email content examples:

  1. Information about Parking or other Airport facilities or services. This includes discount promotions.  Consequently, If the content will help save the traveler time or money, you should definitely share this information.
  2. Information that conveys and educates on the value of your airport when compared with alternative transportation options. This includes comparisons with alternate airport options.
  3. Education on the economic and quality of life contributions of the airport to the local community. Hence, sharing the facts that support the airport as a strong asset to the community will help garner public support of the airport in the future.
Make Your Email Content Relavant

Make Your Email Content Relevant

Not All Email Content has Equal Relevance to your Airport Users and Readers

While the above content examples will interest some of your readers some of the time, they are not as effective in attracting reader engagement when compared with Airfare Deal Notices.

When you can help flyers save on their flights, this excites passengers. Saving them money is very personal. Therefore, the above content, I’ve found, will attract your users/readers attention less often than Air Deal Notices.

Note: The other examples listed above, may also help save the traveler money. They do, however, save the travelers less money or save them money less frequently.  Parking rates are not likely to change often. Neither will ground transportation rates change frequently etc… Airfares, however can sometimes change multiple times within an hour!

The Air Deal

The Power of The Air Deal

The Power of Airfare Deal Notifications in Your Airport Communications

1. Airfare Deals are highly dynamic content therefore they offer many communication opportunities. Flyers want to catch air fares at the low price end so will want relatively frequent notices.

2.  Air Deals Engage Flyers Long Term. Flyers will be engaged with searching for air deals over
long periods of time. People want to save on flights on every possible trip!

3.  Your readers will also often share this information with others. As a result of this, you
can gain new readers of your airport communications. Readers can also see the topics you
cover not related to air deals.

4.  The increased readership by more connected and engaged flyers will help the airport
misconceptions about your airport and its contributions to the community.
Due to this, Air deal content can help create users  who become strong advocates for your


Delivering relevant email content, Is highly critical to successful airport public communications. While various airport and air service topics can be relevant, Air Deal Notifications are the most relevant content for Airport users. Airports that leverage air deal notifications in their e-newsletters and social media can create a strong engagement with airport users. This effort can help build a strong relationship with these flyers. This relationship can often create active flyer support of the airport. Hence, this helps create an environment where the airport is more successful in its mission. Finally, your public can understand how much your airport is an asset to local economic initiatives and in providing convenient air access in the US and Globally.

Community Flights

Community Flights

About Community Flights

Community Flights is an air service support, development and management company. We offer an Airport Email with Social Media Marketing Program that has helped communities increase their passenger capture. We’ll track the airports air fares, identify the markets served that offer the best air deals and help build airport communications around the draw of these air deal notifications.




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