How to Develop an Airport Communication Program

How to Develop an Airport Communication Program:
Integrate Social Media and Email Marketing

Airports should prioritize Social Media and Email Marketing Integration in their airport communication program.

In an earlier post, we discussed creating and executing an Airport email marketing program. We shared how a regular conversation with your airport users and potential users could be mutually beneficial. In this post we’ll share how to effectively integrate social media and email marketing to build a more effective and comprehensive airport communication program.

What about the Airport Facebook account that we haven’t posted on in six months. Or the twitter account that you last tweeted on a year ago? Should I be using these communication vehicles? If so How? Why? How Often?

Social Media Integration with Email

Integrate Social Media with Email Marketing

Yes…you absolutely should use Facebook and Twitter. Social media integration with email marketing will help you to develop a comprehensive campaign to educate and notify your airport users. This will also help you reach potential users on issues and information important to both you and them. People in today’s world, use different vehicles for their communication and information gathering. Participating effectively on a diverse set of these communication vehicles (Social Media and email marketing) will help you maximize your communication reach. You need to be visible on the communication vehicles that your customers visit.

The Power of the Air Deal
In earlier posts, I’ve discussed how airfare deal messaging is valuable to your readers. (Airports Should Commit to an Email Marketing Program was one earlier post). Readers love bargains and helping them to save on air travel is of big value to them. They will consider your airport fondly if you help SAVE them MONEY!

What Happens If You’ve Just sent out a Scheduled Newsletter and a Fantastic NEW Air Sale comes up?

You don’t want to overload your subscribers with too much information too often by email. This could drive a lot of your subscribers, to unsubscribe.

Chasing off loyal readers is something you want to avoid. Our research has shown you should send your Email Newsletters no more frequent than Bi-Monthly in most situations in a successful airport communication program.

Social Media Integration with Email

Social Media Integration helps with short notice messaging

Integrating Social Media Can Help You Short Notice Messaging.  

Social media operates differently than email. When you apply Social Media Integration effectively with email, you will enhance your total communication effort.

In the situation above, if a fantastic air deal shows up just after you’ve sent a regularly scheduled email newsletter, you still want to advise your followers. You want to get this out but you also don’t want to lose subscribers. This deal could have a short shelf life. You’ll want to notice this information before the airlines pull it down so your customers can benefit before it disappears. If you don’t, you’ll lose an opportunity to inspire bookings. The question becomes, How do I share the information without losing subscribers by overusing email. What can I do?

Integrate with Facebook

We would recommend posting air deal information on Facebook. Most of the people who have liked your Facebook page will see this posting appear on their personal Facebook page. This message can be most effective If you also include a link in your Facebook post to a web page or landing page. You’ll want the link message to elaborate and provide more information than your short Facebook air deal description so that your flyers can act and make a purchase. This will benefit your readers and your airport.

Add a Post to your Website

Additionally, we’d also recommend having a deals page on your website. Here you can post the same air deals information. (How to book the air deal details also included). Your Facebook page post can hit on the highlights of the deal. It can also then link to your web-page or other landing page for more specific and complete information. The key is providing information that can lead your readers to easily book the air deal without turning them off. The less intrusive social media vehicle can provide that platform.

Social Media Integration with Email Marketing

The Importance of “Likes” and “Follows” on Facebook and Twitter

What If I Don’t have Many “Likes” on my Facebook Page!

This is why integration of social media and your e-newsletter and website is critical. You want to encourage “Likes” of your airports Facebook page in your e-newsletters. On Twitter accounts you want to encourage follows. Try to ask for “Like” and “Follow” behaviors in every e-newsletter you send. You also want to encourage this engagement on your website. This will build a terrific audience for these in between newsletter updates. As a first priority, provide meaningful content to your readers. A second main goal would be Cross-linking between your communication vehicles. This will help set-up a good integration of these communication tools.

What is the difference between a Facebook and a Twitter Post?

Facebook allows for more text in a posting than Twitter. A Twitter Tweet only allows for 280 characters. Due to the short nature of these messages, integration with other communication sources is critical with Twitter to completely deliver information. Both Facebook and Twitter allow for photographs and links. When promoting Air Deals or similar information on Facebook or Twitter we recommend you integrate photos of destinations (To Inspire). These actions can lead to a successful airport communication program.

Social Media Integration with Email - Less Reader Interruption

Social Media Email Integration Less Reader Interruption

Why Bother with Twitter and Facebook If You Are Going to Link Readers to Your Website?

Twitter and Facebook posts are less interrupting than email. Email is often like someone walking into your home uninvited, while Twitter and Facebook is like you’ve walked to a public place. You understand people will engage frequently you when you’re in public. Most people see too many email messages as an uninvited intrusion into their privacy…even when you’ve been invited.

Additionally, airport users are sometimes on Facebook or Twitter for other purposes when they will see the message. They have, in essence, opted in to receive the message by this very presence in their accounts. When you receive a message post on your Facebook or Twitter page you have opted in for this contact. You did so when you liked or followed a page or topic. You understand messaging may come more often than email and you can move past the message quickly if the topic is of no interest.

Increase your Audience

Twitter and Facebook give you the opportunity to increase your reach of people seeing your message by engaging your followers through your messaging. On twitter if someone likes your tweet they can retweet this out and people they are connected with will see your message. Same on Facebook if someone likes your post this will display this post to people who have liked their page.

In between newsletters you can deliver important time sensitive information like air price deals. With Facebook and Twitter you can deliver more information and potentially alienate fewer of your airport users. Social media integration with email marketing is an important part of an effective airport communication program.

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Community Flights is an air service support, marketing and development company. We offer a cost-effective Email Marketing Program called the “Community Airport Airfare Club.” This program can help understaffed airports or those strapped for time, to regularly connect with their users and potential flyers. The Community Airport Airfare Club program offers value to your email list flyers through tracking and notification of airfare deals. We also help provide tools and training for these flyers to better discern flight value and effectively comparison shop air flights. Thru the Community Airport Airfare Club we can also, update subscribers on airport operations and construction and other flyer tips. We help design these communications based on airport comments and direction. These features help grow your email lists and expand your audience. If you’d like more information email us or visit us at

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2 thoughts on “How to Develop an Airport Communication Program

  1. Pingback: Airports Should Commit to an Email Marketing Program – Part 1 -

  2. Pingback: Airports Should Commit to an Email Marketing Program - Part 2

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