Airports Should Commit to an Email Marketing Program – Part 1

Email Marketing Program

Most successful businesses recognize the tremendous value of an effective email marketing program. Despite the many non-business functions and structure of Airports,  you often compete with other airports, trains, buses and cars for travelers. Consequently, Airports are a business when considering sales and marketing needs and should develop and execute an email marketing program.

For most airports, especially smaller airports, managing the daily operations of your airport is a full-time, borderline 24/7 job. You likely have felt like there’s never enough time or staff to do it all.

Email Marketing Program Airport

Airports Should Commit to an Email Marketing Program

As a result, it’s common for a robust and regular email marketing program to become an afterthought. This is a challenge for many Airport managers. You’re already struggling with the “essential” tasks, how can you possibly add another project to your work list?

With email marketing, however, promoting your Airport and connecting with customers becomes a lot easier. Promoting your airport and connecting with flyers is also less time consuming with email marketing – and that’s only a snapshot of the bigger email marketing picture.

“Email has a median ROI of 122% – over 4x higher than other marketing formats including
social media, direct mail, and paid search.”      (DMA and Demand Metric)

“Email marketing has an average ROI of 3,800 percent. For every dollar invested, the average
return is $38.”                                                         (Salesforce)

Email Marketing can free up alot of your time so you can run your airport. And consumers love it. Take a look, the results are very compelling:


Consumers who prefer to receive commercial communications thru email.




Of consumers have made a buy online as a result of receiving an email message.

(Direct Marketing Association)



Consumers who purchase products through email spend 138% more than those that don’t receive email offers

(Convince and Convert)

“77% of people prefer to get permission-based promotional messages via email (versus
       direct mail, text, phone, or social media).”

Email Marketing – A Powerful Tool

At its simplest, email marketing is a powerful communication tool for building relationships with current and potential airport users. Email marketing gives you a chance to speak to a lot of people at once and even expand your reach when recipients send your email communications to colleagues, friends and family.

Email Marketing Program Schedule Board

Email Marketing: Stay Connected with Airport Users.

Effective email marketing allows you to stay connected with loyal airport users and those who may often use alternative regional airports. These alternative airport users might consider flying from “Your” airport, their home airport, if they understood the benefits. Effective email marketing can help educate both users and potential users about the benefits of using your airport versus the competition.

More on Why Airports Should Have an Email Marketing Program will come in Part -2 soon.

About Community Flights

Community Flights is an air service support, marketing and development company. We offer a cost-effective Email Marketing Program called the “Community Airport Airfare Club.” This program can help understaffed airports or those strapped for time, to regularly connect with their users and potential flyers. The Community Airport Airfare Club program offers value to your email list flyers through tracking and notification of airfare deals. We also help provide tools and training for these flyers to better discern flight value and effectively comparison shop air flights. Thru the Community Airport Airfare Club we can also, update subscribers on airport operations and construction and other flyer tips. We help design these communications based on airport comments and direction. These features help grow your email lists and expand your audience. If you’d like more information email us at or visit us at


Other Current Airport Marketing Posts

Why Airports Should Commit to an Email Program – Part 2
Why Airports Should Integrate Social Efforts with their Email Marketing Program

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2 thoughts on “Airports Should Commit to an Email Marketing Program – Part 1

  1. Pingback: Airports Should Commit to an Email Marketing Program - Part 2

  2. Pingback: Airport Social Media Integration with Email Marketing Programs -

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