About Us

Our Community Flights Approach and Guiding Principles

We’re Client Focused Without Having Too Many Clients!

Some large air service development firms build huge client lists. This can take away from their ability to focus on your community. Their community engagement is sometimes inconsistent or you may experience delays in their responding to your needs. Consequently, we make developing high quality client relationships, a priority. As a result, Community Flights will only take on 8-10 Airport Value Marketing clients at most.

Focused on Achieving Client Goals

Community Flights: Focused on meeting client goals

“Your consultant should have few distractions. You shoud have a consultant highly focused on your airline service!”


Community Engagement is Necessary for a Successful Air Program

Community Flights strongly encourages active and consistent community engagement with your air service. In addition, we feel that facilitating passenger traffic, is just as important as acquiring air service. Finally, the work has just begun, when you’ve landed a new flight.

Active Community Air Service Engagement

Active community air service engagement & support

“You don’t typically win A baseball game  by just playing well in the  first inning. A winning air service effort works the same way. Ongoing flight support and promotion is also required.

Air Service Isn’t the End – It’s a Means to an End for Your Community

We understand you view improved air service as a way to offer better transportation access. Furthermore, you may also see better air service leading to improved community economic development prospects. Clarifying your community goals and air service benefits will be our first action, because of these community motivating factors. We will then refine our customer “Flight Value” based marketing strategy by working backwards from these outcomes. This strategy will form the basis, for customizing our marketing effort for your airport.

More Air Service

Acquire Air Service that Serves the Community 

“More air service is not an end but rather a means to other community benefits. More air service can improve air transportation and expand economic development opportunities in your community!”

Play-up Community Strengths that will Favorably Bi-Sect Airline Business Goals

We pursue a customized air service marketing and price management approach that involves determining the community air service needs and opportunities. We then talk to your audience and airlines in a way that can help your airport performance meet or exceed your potential. Once we’ve identified your airport strengths, we then develop an effective “Flight Value” strategy. Because airlines value quality revenue, we’ll tailor and help build up community strengths to these needs. We’ll tell a story about how your community strengths bi-sect the airlines business goals. This is the most effective method to capture and keep the air service the community desires.

Play Up community strengths

Play up airport strengths relative to airline needs

Airlines decide where they offer air service based on their needs not the community’s needs. Communities that do not consider the airlines needs in their approach, will have a hard time acquiring air service.”

Think Long-Term yet be Ready for Short-Notice Opportunities!

Successful community air service development efforts involve aligning many elements. These elements include: community funding, air service goals, organizational structure, marketing support, stimulating incremental air trips and more. An air program that acts effectively on short notice opportunities, gives your community an edge when competing for air service. Therefore, plan long-term, but also effectively act on short notice air service opportunities that can sometimes crop up.

Be Ready for Short-term Opportunities

          Be ready for short-notice opportunities

“Prepared communities, ready for short notice air service opportunities are more likely to succeed. Communities with the proper support mechanisms in place will be more successful than an unprepared community.”

Contact us at scott@communityflights.com or 970-759-3559 for customized and focused air service marketing support, development and management,