Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Studies:
A Look at Community Flights Client Air Service Performance

Community Flights believes Air Service performance history is the critical evaluation criteria community airports should consider in their hiring process. Many firms offer  experience with multiple community clients but these engagements may not have helped their community clients meet their goals.

What is a consultants batting average on producing successful outcomes for their community clients?

Communities should focus on a consultants batting average and ask potential consultants and air service professional services providers about their success rate. Community Flights shares upfront, Case Studies that show our performance results.

Community Flights is proud of our record of success in helping drive successful community/client outcomes.

Case Study: Crested Butte Mountain Resort

Case Study: Telluride/Montrose, Colorado

Community Flights Services – A summary of services offered by Community Flights

Scott Stewart is the principle of Community Flights; an air service support, development and management company. Community Flights works with communities, organizations or businesses on leveraging the great economic asset that air service is for economic gain. I formed Community Flights in January 2013 because I wanted to help mobilize community support efforts and help clients, bridge the “air service understanding gap” with the airlines. The goal is creating an airline and community win-win air service support and performance environment. You can find more information about Community Flights at and contact Scott Stewart directly at

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